Teachers: Fátima, Pilar, Karla and Lily
Topic: Family and Friends
Part 1
Grammar: Question Who's that? Answer: It's
Vocabulary to present: me, grandma, grandpa, friend, teacher
This part of the class was taught by: Lily and Fátima.
In this time, teachers used a flipchart to present the vocabulary to the students. They were very creative because they used a puppet as a friend that was in charge of presenting the vocabulary to the kids. The puppet - Clifford - asked the kids ""Who's that?" and it helped the students to answer "It's my teacher" - Teacher Lily helped the students by modeling the pronunciation of questions and the answer.
It is also positive to say that teachers used stars to reward the students every time they participated in the class. Those stars were put on a kind of chart that they had in the wall.
As time passed, kids had to practice the vocabulary. Teacher Fátima gave them a kind of handout in which students had to circle the picture of the word that she was presenting. To do so, she used the puppet Clifford who asked the kids "Is this my grandpa?" as she showed them a picture of grandpa. It was really great that teachers used images that were appealing to kids' eyes. The images that teacher Fátima was showing were the ones that were in the handout so kids were able to associate them and circle correctly.
To practice the phrase "it's me" teachers used real pictures of the kids. Sincerely, Carlos and I agreeded that it was the best way to present that chunk, and for both of us it was the first time that we saw that technique to teach "it's me"
For kids to practice the vocabulary, teacher Fátima had students draw what she commanded. For example, she said "it's my teacher" so she showed the kids how to draw a teacher.
After this activity the class finished and teacher Lily took the kids to the cafeteria to eat a delicious popsicle!
As it was mentioned before, Carlos and I agreeded that this class was very innovative since they used real pictures of the kids to teach "it's me" In our experience as teacher, we had never seen something like that before. We also congratulated the teachers for using a puppet as a friend of the class. However, the both taught that teacher could have changed their voices a little bit when the puppet was supposedly speaking. In fact, we think that teacher delivered a good lesson, they reached their objectives sinces kids were repeating the phrases tha they taught. It was good that they had a lot of repetition so that kids could internalize all the new words in a better way.

Very good observations Carlos and Orlando, I agree with your suggestion for the puppet.