lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012

Lesson 3"My body"- Part 1
Grammar: Has
Vocabulary: Head, arms, legs, hands (short, long)
Teachers: Marleny Campos and Isaac Rodríguez

Teacher Isaac was the one in charge to start the lesson. He started by doing a warm up activity in which students had to stretch their bodies. At the beginning of this activity, students were kind of reluctant to follow Isaac's commands. However, in time, they started to follow what he said. Especially when he started using body language. One more time, it was demonstrated that students at this age need to see some body language during the lesson, so they can follow in a better way what the teachers want them to do. Sometimes, teacher Isaac said the words like "arms" "legs" and students repeated those words without being asked to do it.
After the warm-up activity, the teacher introduced the vocabulary to be studied in the lesson by using some flashcards, it was here when students started to repeat the words even more. In a way, it seemed that students had that "repetition" automatized in their heads.
In the practice, teacher Marleny explained in a very good way the difference between "short" and "long" by using some gestures and movements with her hands. It was great to see that in this part teacher Marleny used her body and Isaac's body to have students understand the differnce between "short " and "long" when it is related to the parts of the bodies. However, when students were commanded to touch Isaac's body they felt kind of scared and didn't do that activity as teachers expected.
To continue practicing, teacher Marleny pasted two drawings on the wall, those drawing had some missing parts, students were asked to paste the missing parts in their correct position. Most of the students did this activity well, but there were few of them who still confused the concepts "short" and "long".
The production part was very successful because students demonstrated that they understood the concepts of the parts of the body that teachers explained. When teachers asked them to show them a leg, their arms, to move their heads students did it very well. Finally, they were given some modeling clay that they used to make some bodies. Students were able to follow teachers' instructions when they told them things like "make the legs" "make the head". Right after that, students enjoyed their some cookies and juice.

1 comentario:

  1. Why do you think that children didn't want to follow some of the commands they were given? What would you have done if you had been the teacher in that moment?
    One last thing Carlos; with all the respect you deserve as a blogger, I have to ask you to remove the first of this serie of pictures because it doesn't match any of the ideas in the comments. Take a look at the photos you and yor classmates have and try to find a more suitable one.

