jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013


DATE: FRIDAY, March 8th, 2013

OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson Ss will and T will get to know each other, get presented and practiced the topics “Greetings, the numbers, the alphabet¨

The day of the lesson began some minutes after the time we wanted to start. I was anxious to begin. There were fewer students than I expected. There was a group of seven students. They were from ten to fourteen years old. At the beginning of the class I introduced myself. After that, I explained the methodology we are using during the course. In order to encourage them to talk I started with the warm up. Some of them were quiet. Progressively the class started to be more comfortable. Regarding the proficiency, the diagnose told me that there were some students who knew nothing about the language. Differently, there were some others who had studied it previously.

The lesson was challenging for them. Nevertheless, it was not impossible. That’s why I took the decision to invert the stages of the class. I did first the practice and then the presentation. It was a step I took because most of them had an approach of the topic. It was introduce yourself. They did it nicely. However I presented just in case one of them had not acquired the structure. I made a distinction between the contractions and the formal way.

I wanted to get all involved in each of the stages in the class. That's why I just modeled the task as example and I centered the activities on them not on me. However, I should have smiled more and try to calm myself more, because I was more exated than them.


 By Carlos Melara

OBJECTIVE:  By the end of the lesson Ss will and T will get to know each other, get presented and practiced the topics “Greetings, the numbers, the alphabet¨
The teacher introduces himself. The teacher asks them to arrange the classroom in U way. The teacher passes a ball of wool. The one that catches it has to say his/ her name, age and so does responding a question of general information. Such as: What grade do you study? Do you have hobbies? What do you do on vacation? What do you want to be in the future? Progressively they are untangling the wool. They are doing a web where all get involved.
10 MIN
The teacher talks about the class policies and the importance of it. Based on the color of the clothing they have. They are proposing together the class policies.
After they propose, the teacher shows his class policies in order to arrange them and finally have an agreement. Such as:
1.Listen to directions.
2. Cell phone in vibration mode
3.Raise your hand before speaking.
4.Listen to others and participate in class discussions.
5.Stay on task.
6.Do your assignments.
7.Cooperate with your group.
8.No vandalism. Don't write or carve on your desk or school property.
9. Absolutely no food, drink, gum, or candy permitted.
10- When the class finish, go a line and then, you can go.
11.Respect all property. (School property, personal property, and other's property)
12.Respect all ideas given in class and do not criticize anybody's ideas or thoughts.
13.Do your very best!
14. Avoid nicknames.
10 MIN
Teacher introduces the topic saying the phrase in the chart. Where they have to fill the conversation adding their own information in the gaps. They do it together aloud in order to we all recall each name.
A: Hi My name is ____________
What’s your name?
what is
B: Hi ____ I’m ________
hello I am
What’s your name?
what is
C Hi___ I am_____ What is your name?
A: Hi My name is ____________
What’s your name?
what is
A: Hi My name is ____________
What’s your name?
what is
They go on till the last student introduce himself then he says all of the names.

10 MIN

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