miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013


After all these experiences I can only say that I am very greatfull for the oportunity that we as STUDENTS had to continue to understand the depth in our career. It is truly important to consider that we learn as we go but our students can see the gap in betweent, therefore, it is not only something that affect us but our students, and as the lessons kept on going I realized that to put in paper the activities that you try to achieved is something that changes completely once you are in action, and that many times when you try to innovate and change standarized ideas or concepts of teaching, you must put a lot of thought and time to completely get the hand of it. Now that I understand better this, I appreciate more the knowledge that is on books about these topics because they are truly experts in their area, and time-savers and base on them I can edit and choose whats best for the particular lesson I am giving.

So, as you try to learn yourself, you as well, have to put it together in front of your students, this I did not understand as much as I do now, because in the previous practice they were younger and probably they could not sense our mistakes as much as older students. Therefore, as we move on, we will be questioned a lot more and I am looking forward to demonstrate that everything has its reason in the lesson. This was the perfect prelude to our last practice where I am sure that, by working with adults, we will have to be more conscious about our actions in the classroom and that we will have to be more confident and strong so we stop understimating ourselves about the knowledge we can give and how we can give it.

To conclude, I am glad to say that this exeperience helped me to see the different layers that this carreer has and that we have to be aware about the image we portrait to our students by editing and choosing whats best for our classes and taking advice from people that have been doing this for longer. I am glad to say that now I see the importance of being confident about the skills that I can share and to show that the lesson that its given has a propouse. I am very thankful and excited to continue to develope this sort of "social skill" that can be only achieved with exeprience. 

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