DATE: Friday, April 19th, 2013
By the end of the lesson
SWBAT present an object of someone’s possession, using the vocabulary
“Backpack, camera, pencil case, umbrella, notebook, hat, bag, eraser, brush,
address book, pen, book;” and the grammar structures “This is someone’s…../that
is someone’s…../that’s someone’s…..”
sixth class was very productive. I must
confess that before the class started, I was very anxious. However during the
previous explanation, I noticed that most
of them had understood the activity.
There were some questions during the explanation. Later, I asked them to stay
in pairs to do the oral exam. I decided to do the pairs based on the results obtained in the previous evaluation. They were
some students with a high grade paired with the ones that had gotten a lower grade. I
decided to arrange the team like that so they supported each other. After
that I gave them some minutes for practicing the dialogue . Finally, I started
with the exam. I think that I could repeat the same process previously
descripted. However, If I would change
something, It could be either to ask them to perfom the task
of everybody or only infront of me. I would have decided it base on the proficiency and
the time that the activity demands.
Sample of the sixth classroom: Friday, April
19th, 2013.
By Carlos Melara
Topic: What a mess! Classroom objects. Date.______________________
OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson SWBAT present an
object of someone’s possession, using the vocabulary “Backpack, camera, pencil
case, umbrella, notebook, hat, bag, eraser, brush, address book, pen, book;”
and the grammar structures “This is someone’s…../that is someone’s…../that’s
Sample of the Oral
Topic: Meeting a new
Instructions: Students
have to replace the dialogue with their own information.
A: Hello, my name
is Carlos
Melara , What’s your name?
B: Hi, My name is Alfredo Arévalo
B: Hi, My name is Alfredo Arévalo
A: I’m sorry, Hoy do
you spell your last name?
B: It’s A.R.E.V.A.L.O. How do you spell your name?
A: It’s M.E.L.A.R.A How old are you?
A: It’s M.E.L.A.R.A How old are you?
B: I’m 14 years old And how old are you?
A: I’m _13 years old . What is your favorite soccer player ?
B:My favorite Soccer player is messi. What is your
favorite Cartoon Character?
A: My favorite Cartoon
Character is bob esponja
B: Ok, thanks, Nice to
see you.
A: Nice to see you,
Sample of the Oral
Evaluation Rubric
For the
oral evaluation, students are to work in pairs and present a short role play in
which they meet a new friend for the first time. T presents a sample
conversation. After, they will write their own conversation; then, they will
see the T give a sample role play. Finally, ss will role play their
aspects to consider at the moment of evaluating are the following:
Pronunciation: 20%
Hello Carlos! First of all, I want to congratulate you because of the great job that you have been keeping through this whole semester... Then, I want to say that as as one of your mate, I admire your work and patience for your students. I had the chance to observe three of your classes and believe me, were I had been in your place, I think that I would not have known what to do to manage such a big group of students! Since we had the two groups mixed! Sometimes we have the activities planned and in the real practice, when we realize for some reason that it is not going to work, we should think about an plan B. And that is exactly what you did in some of the lessons of yours I observed.
ResponderEliminarI hope you enjoyed this practicum, and most important, that you learned alot in the real teaching world, which I am sure you did!
Good Luck! =D
Hello Carlos! I liked your comment that says that it is not the same planning the activities than performing them, this is because this happened to me, I planned one activity which I thought would work very well with the students, but guess what?, it did not work well, the students did not enjoy the activity maybe because of the differences in ages among some students, or because they did not know each other very well; the thing is that I had to stop the activity and change it. Something I learned from the situacion I faced was that, as you said, it is not the same to plan something than to put it into practice, that is why having a plan B is extremely important, and that is exactly what I suggest you to do, to always think about a plan B in order to avoid inconviniences.
ResponderEliminarI do appreciate your comments. Sincerely, I am going to consider your opinion to improve my following teaching experiences