miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013

EIGTH CLASS: Friday, May 3rd, 2013


OBJECTIVE:  By the end of the lesson SWBAT. Describe where objects are by using new vocabulary (Dresser, desk, wastebasket, wall, bed, chair), and the prepositions of place (Next to, in, on, under, between, behind, in front). So they are able to use it  in a  daily life conversation. 

The warm-up was designed to be interesting for the students. Based on our previous experiences, the students enjoyed the hot potato activity. It was a ball with questions inside. During the activity, the students had to pass the hot potato, the one who got  the hot potato when the teacher said "stop!" had to take a layer of the "hot potato". Each layer had a question on it. The questions were: where is the cat? Each question was based on the different places where a cat was located. I used a set of flash cards regarding some objects from the vocabulary. To be clearer I decided to name the cat “Jerry”. After this activity, I noticed that they were not that bad identifying the prepositions and the questions. The objective was to have a short introduction. If had to do this activity again, I would include some music for the hot potato. I also would think of different questions to make a challenging activity. I would alter the difficulty of the questions. In other words, first an easy question after a difficult question, and then, the other way around.


The second activity was made to be an easy task for the students. The objective was to practice the students' reading skills. The students had to read a dialog and circle the vocabulary words and underline the prepositions.  Before the activity I was not worried about the difficulties that the students might have during this activity. But, I decided that five minutes was more than enough to finish this task. Some students finished the activity successfully. These students compared their answers with their classmates who had not finished the complete exercise. Everybody was energetic this day. When the time was over, I asked for answers to check the effectiveness of their performance. If I had to do this activity again, I could look for a different letter size. I could include a different image. It could contribute to improve the material, therefore, increase the attention that the students could present on the activity.


I felt eager to do the third activity before it started. I thought that It might be a good idea to ask the students a true or false activity. From my perspective, using the True or False system was easier for them to get the correct answer. This activity was strongly related to the previous one. All of the questions were based on the previous dialog. Somehow, It was a re-reading the second activity during the third one. They, did it better during this task, because they had already read the dialog. After this activity, I did not get the one hundred percent of correct answers that I expected. However, most of the students got the answers correctly. It was absolutely relieved to the get that. If had to do the activity again, I would include more questions. It could be difficult an easy pack of questions.


The fourth activity was a little bit more challenging for all of them. I was totally aware about the difficulty of the activity before the class started. Even though, the students had read the conversation previously. This activity was a difficult task for them. They were not used to solve information questions during the lesson. Even though I asked them to compare their answers with their partner some students did not have the same correct answer. It was an enriching result to me. I think to keep this activity in the future, I would try to summarize the instructions. I also want select accurately the questions for the activity.


The last task was intended for practicing reading comprehension as well as the previous activity. Before the class, I was sure that this activity could be a piece of cake for the students.  I decided to play a track for this activity. During the task, I noticed that most of the students got the idea. Many of them completed the task without mistakes. I noticed that they were some who really enjoyed the activity. After this activity I concluded that not only summarize the instructions but also to add visual materials for this group helped a lot to develop a successful lesson. To include this activity in a future lesson I would avoid using the track. Instead I would include more images for the students. I could read or ask somebody to read and ask more open questions.

                                                     ACTIVITY 5: WHERE IS THE BAG?

                                 SAMPLE OF THE EIGHT CLASS: FRIDAY, MAY 3rd, 2013
By  Carlos Melara
OBJECTIVE:  By the end of the lesson SWBAT. Describe where objects are using the vocabulary (Dresser, desk, wastebasket, wall, bed, chair), and the prepositions of place when they have a daily life conversation. (Next to, in, on, under, between, behind in front)

Warm up:  Using hot potato paper Ss. are going to be asked to answer the questions about prepositions. Where is the…..? Where are the…..? They will get a picture to answer the questions.
Hot Potato

To have a short introduction to the question and activate ss energy.
T. presents the structure of the answer and the questions on the
board and asks them examples. Using pictures and the projector

T. presents the reading activity 2 on page 39.  Ss read and circle the vocabulary words and underline the preposition, then, they compare, and share.

Ss. to a true and false exercise based on the conversation 2 Language focus on page 39

Ss. answers comprehension questions based on the same reading. They share.

Ss. are going to number some pictures based on the listening. There are going to be three pictures with a backpack located in three different places.   

                        VAK        VAK                     VA                     





To practice questions and answer structure.

To practice reading comprehension

2 comentarios:

  1. Hey! I like the way you designed your blog. The activities you present are good. The hot potato is a classic. however, you can redesign it as you did it. There is no better way to have fun when learning, and think about strategies that help students enriche their knowledge. You are very creative; a good teacher is the one that teaches students to achieve their goals by themselves.

  2. Thank you, I am going to take it into account.
